Universal Beijing Resort

Universal Beijing Resort

Universal Beijing Resort
De 7:00 a 21:30
7:00 - 21:30
7:00 - 21:30
7:00 - 21:30
7:00 - 21:30
7:00 - 21:30
7:00 - 21:30
7:00 - 21:30
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De maryyeo
Universal Studios Beijing - Basic and Advanced tips; versus Shanghai Disneyland
5,0 de 5 burbujassept de 2024
RESUMEN: Hice un 2 d 2 n en Universal Studios Beijing Y se alojó en Universal Studios Grand Hotel (colectivamente, se llaman Universal Beijing Resort o "UBR" como su acrónimo) - hicimos esto justo después de un viaje de 2 d 2 n a Shanghai Disneyland - diría que definitivamente disfrutamos más en UBR. Generalmente, si te gustan Minions, Kungfu Panda, Transformers, Cómo entrenar a tu dragón, Cantar la película, y especialmente HARRY POTTER más que Disney, entonces probablemente te guste más este parque también. Si estás indeciso, y otros factores como la economía (oh me refiero a los precios), obtener más valor por tu dinero y tener una experiencia culturalmente más gratificante - - - entonces probablemente te gustaría UBR más también. CONSEJOS BÁSICOS: 1 . MULTITUD / TIEMPO - Evitar todas las fiestas locales (China). Mucho menos visitantes, multitudes y colas. Si su horario lo permite, al igual que nosotros, podría planificar intencionalmente su viaje el primer día del año académico de las escuelas locales de China (primer lunes de septiembre). . . encontrará la mayoría de las colas promedio en solo 10 ~ 30 minutos. -Entrar en el parque lo antes posible - para los huéspedes del hotel, obtendrá una entrada temprana de una hora. Para los visitantes no hoteleros, pudimos ver en el pasillo de nuestro hotel que cientos estaban en la cola a las 7:30 am (parque abierto a los huéspedes no hoteleros a las 8 am de ese día) A primera hora de la mañana, diríjase directamente a HARRY POTTER para despejar los paseos rápidamente porque es la zona más concurrida del parque temático y está llena de muchas selfies: tomadores todo el día... literalmente. 2 . PRECIOS / ESTRATEGIA - Precios dinámicos aquí - en el pasado, todos están acostumbrados a solo dos - precios de nivel - día de semana versus fines de semana / días festivos. Aquí en la tecnología - la China inteligente, los precios Y horarios de apertura fluctúan. Así que ayuda si puedes comprar tus boletos antes porque será más barato. Las personas que compran más tarde de un umbral posiblemente determinado de número de visitantes esperados, pagan más. - EXPRESS PASS es absolutamente vale la pena y le ayuda a despejar TODOS los viajes en un día! Incluso hicimos bastantes paseos dos veces desde que visitamos en un día súper tranquilo. CONSEJOS AVANZADOS: 1 . OBTENER ENTRADAS EN SU APP Puedes comprar entradas directamente a través de su aplicación (no de su página web). El principal obstáculo que enfrentan los extranjeros es que la aplicación no parece aceptar la mayoría de las tarjetas de crédito extranjeras. Encontramos la forma más fácil es registrarse en AliPay (plataforma de pago electrónico) , ya que la mayoría de China requiere el pago electrónico en estos días (por ejemplo, ni siquiera podemos utilizar las máquinas expendedoras del aeropuerto de Shanghai sin pago electrónico). Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que AliPay cobra un 3 % por la tarifa de la plataforma, por lo que tus boletos serán un 3 % más caros, lo que honestamente no es gran cosa. El otro obstáculo común es obtener OTP (One - Time Password) para iniciar sesión en su aplicación. Muchos se quejan de que no recibieron las OTP. ¿Sabes qué? Interactuamos con los lugareños y descubrimos que no siempre reciben los OTP también. Sólo tengo que intentarlo un par de veces más. Y ten paciencia. Lo conseguimos después de algunos intentos. 2 . OBTENER BOLETOS A TRAVÉS DE KLOOK También es posible a través de esta plataforma de paquetes de viaje y boletos intermedios, y si usa Klook con suficiente frecuencia, obtendrá un montón de vales que actúan como un descuento para sus futuras compras en la plataforma. La principal desventaja es la inconveniencia de tener que abrir los tickets e- para escanear con el fin de entrar en el parque. Éramos perezosos para abrir varias aplicaciones (y potencialmente ayudar a conservar un poco la batería de nuestro teléfono), así que solo conseguimos boletos a través de la aplicación UBR. POR QUÉ NOS GUSTÓ MÁS UBR QUE SHANGHÁI DISNEYLAND: 1 . Mejor hotel, mejores precios. Comparando solo las habitaciones temáticas del hotel - Universal Studios Grand's Kungfu Panda room tenía 42 metros cuadrados VS Shanghai Disneyland's Toy Story Hotel (que era su hotel más barato) habitación temática tenía 27 metros cuadrados, y la mejor habitación de UBR seguía siendo un 50% más barato por noche. URB era definitivamente más nuevo, más lujoso, y mejor diseñado (mucho más hermoso! ) en todo. 2 . Mejor comida, manos abajo. Shanghai Disneyland parque en sí estaba vendiendo casi CERO VERDES, es decir, los mismos hongos - en - espeso - salsa gooey - era la ÚNICA opción "vegetal" en el 90 % de los restaurantes tanto en el parque y nuestro hotel. URB tenía muchas más variedades de comida y opciones más saludables en sus restaurantes. Incluso tienen mejores opciones de comida en el área justo fuera del parque, por ejemplo, el famoso Emporio de Chocolate Toothsome de Estados Unidos en Universal CityWalk Beijing vs la cocina Wolfgang Puck mal revisada en DisneyTown Shanghai. También nos encantó que tenían un gigantesco patio de comidas del sudeste asiático llamado Neon Street Hawkers y algunos siglos / generaciones - restaurantes chinos famosos como el pato Quan Ju De Peking y Dong Lai Shun tradicional charcoal hotpot, ya que somos turistas que querían probar algunas cocinas locales favoritas después de todo. 3 . Mejores atracciones y espectáculos Me atrevo a decir esto... UBR ABSOLUTAMENTE tiene mejores viajes! A pesar de que estábamos bastante wow - ed por Shanghai Disneyland nuevas atracciones de Zootopia y los Piratas del Caribe y Tron paseos únicos, pero una cosa que nos dimos cuenta era que muchos de los paseos (incluso los nuevos) estaban en su mayoría todavía en pistas fijas y literalmente viendo "pantallas" y animatrónica como muchas partes de las atracciones. UBR tiene atracciones que son emocionantes y realmente sentimos que estábamos volando alegremente como Pteranodons en Jurassic Flyers y magos / brujas en Harry Potter's Forbidden Journey. Si no entiendes el chino mandarín, encontrarás los programas de UBR como el recién lanzado Untrainable and Water World más acción - lleno y más fácil de seguir incluso si no entiendes los diálogos VS chino - diálogo (y canciones) - programas pesados como Frozen y Piratas del Caribe "Batalla por el Tesoro Hundido" en Shanghai Disneyland. 4 . Mucha menos gente y mucho más barato Pagamos el Express completo en ambos parques. Fue de 180 USD/persona en UBR vs 320 USD/persona en Shanghai Disneyland. Debido a que visitamos en un día súper tranquilo, pudimos subir a algunos paseos en menos de 15 minutos, incluso sin pases Express. La comida era mucho más barato en UBR también. 5 . ¿Un clima más agradable y mucho menos fumadores también? Me pregunto si fue debido al rango de edad de los visitantes de cada parque, es decir, había más adultos mayores acompañando a sus hijos en Shanghai Disneyland. . y nos sorprendió mucho ver el parque lleno de fumadores (no lo vi en otros parques Disneyland). A pesar de que habían designado áreas para que los fumadores fumaran, todavía podía oler humo fuerte (también conocido como humo no saludable de segunda mano) cada pocos cientos de metros. A pesar de ser más frío (más al norte), UBR apenas tenía fumadores. Me pregunto si también se debió a que los adultos más jóvenes (el principal grupo demográfico de visitantes aquí en la UBR) en China estaban más conscientes de la salud y, por lo tanto, fumaban menos o tal vez nada en absoluto. El clima más frío aquí en Beijing a finales del verano / principios del otoño también fue un respiro bienvenido en comparación con el calor sofocante e implacable que sentimos en Shanghai a principios de septiembre. GLOBAL: Si se nos pide que elijamos cuál visitaríamos de nuevo - definitivamente elegiríamos UBR sobre Shanghai Disneyland. Era más agradable debido a todos los factores mencionados anteriormente.
Universal Beijing Resort Review – Getting Almost Every Ride with Universal Express
5,0 de 5 burbujasoct de 2024
¡Hola a todos! Tuve la oportunidad de visitar Universal Beijing Resort el 19 de octubre de 2024. Llegué al parque a las 11: 30 AM y se fue alrededor de las 8 : 15 PM. Sí, era un sábado, así que puedes imaginarte a la multitud. ¡Vamos a sumergirnos en los detalles! Universal Beijing Resort es el parque Universal Studios más nuevo y grande del mundo, que cubre alrededor de 1.000 acres. Se inauguró el 20 de septiembre de 2021 , y finalmente contará con dos parques temáticos —Universal Studios Beijing y un segundo parque temático, un parque acuático, Universal CityWalk Beijing, y seis hoteles. [Preparación] Como cualquier parque temático importante, necesitarás la aplicación Universal Beijing Resort, que está disponible para iOS en la App Store, pero los usuarios de Android deben descargarla fuera de la tienda a través de un código QR en su sitio web e instalarla manualmente. Es un APK oficial, así que no te preocupes por los virus, aunque no aparece en Play Store. La aplicación funciona como la mayoría de las aplicaciones de parques temáticos, mostrando los tiempos de espera de los viajes, los horarios de los espectáculos, las opciones gastronómicas, la compra de boletos y la disponibilidad de Universal Express. Dado que era sábado, Universal Express era esencial para mí. Las esperas regulares para los viajes oscilaban entre 60 y 120 minutos, y el parque no ofrece una sola línea de pasajeros. Así que Universal Express era la única manera de evitar largas filas. Como lo compré el día de mi visita, solo pude comprarlo a través de la aplicación. (Klook requiere reservar con al menos un día de antelación. ) Elegí el pase Universal Express para todos los viajes, que costaba ¥ 1 , 200 ese día. Los precios varían entre ¥ 900 , ¥ 1 , 000 , y ¥ 1 , 200 dependiendo del día. Comprar el pase ahorró mucho en comparación con pagar por separado por cada atracción, como atracciones populares como Harry Potter y el Viaje ProhibidoTM, Jurassic World Adventure, Jurassic Flyers, Transformers: Batalla por la Chispa, Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, Vuelo del HipogrifoTM, Decepticoastro y Bucle - Dee Doop - Dee puede costar ¥ 225 - ¥ 250 por viaje. Al comprar Universal Express, ingresará su nombre, número de teléfono, correo electrónico y número de pasaporte, que se vincula a su cuenta. Alipay y WeChat son los únicos métodos de pago, así que usé Alipay, que incluía un cargo del 3 % ya que la transacción era superior a ¥ 200 , totalizando ¥ 1 , 236 por persona. [El día de la visita] Llegué a Universal Beijing Resort en coche. Después de un breve paseo desde el estacionamiento, hay un registro de maletas. Los palos de selfie están prohibidos, pero puedes traer bocadillos y bebidas. Después de registrar la maleta, llegará a Universal CityWalk Beijing, que cuenta con tiendas, opciones gastronómicas, un cine, POP MART y el famoso globo universal para fotos. Cruzar el lago te lleva a The Universal Studios Grand Hotel y al puesto de control de boletos. Aquí, el personal escanea su pasaporte y toma una foto para vincularlo con su Universal Express para ingresar. [Navegando por el parque] El parque es vasto, así que seguí una ruta en el sentido de las agujas del reloj para evitar dar marcha atrás, comenzando desde Hollywood — > Transformer Metrobase — > Kung Fu Panda Land of Awesomeness — > WaterWorld — > The Wizarding World of Harry PotterTM — > Minion Land — > Jurassic World Island Nublar. Hollywood Esta zona recrea el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood y cuenta con tiendas, spots de fotos de personajes y atracciones como Lights, Camera, Action! y Untrainable, un espectáculo basado en How to Train Your Dragon. Aunque interesante, encontré a Untrainable un poco difícil de seguir sin conocimiento previo de la película. Transformers Metrobase Aquí, entras en la historia de Transformers como parte del N.E. S. T. Cuartel general de Beijing. Las atracciones imprescindibles incluyen: • Decepticoaster: Esta emocionante montaña rusa fue mi punto culminante: ¡es intensa desde el principio! • Transformadores: Batalla por la chispa: Un paseo en 4D, POV a través de escenas de Transformers, con efectos de calor. El restaurante Energon Power Station en esta zona sirve el Energon Power Feast, una mezcla de pollo, costillas de cerdo y salchichas, delicioso y con buen precio. Kung Fu Panda Tierra de la Impresion Esta zona cubierta, con aire acondicionado, es exclusiva de Beijing Universal, con Kung Fu Panda. El paseo en barco Kung Fu Panda Journey of the Dragon Warrior ofrece una aventura salpicada a través de diferentes escenas, y la decoración de estilo chino de la zona hace que sean excelentes fotos. WaterWorld Esta zona recrea un mundo post-apocalíptico e incluye el WaterWorld Stunt Show, que presenta acrobacias en moto acuática, explosiones e incluso un avión que se estrella, con áreas de asientos designadas como húmedas o secas. El mundo mágico de Harry PotterTM Un punto culminante para la mayoría de los visitantes! Esta área comienza en HogsmeadeTM, con tiendas, restaurantes, el HogwartsTM Express, zonas de lanzamiento de hechizos para los propietarios de varitas, el lago HogwartsTM, el castillo Hogwarts y la cabaña de Hagrid. • Harry Potter y el viaje prohibido Un paseo en 4D dentro de Hogwarts que te sumerge en escenas de Harry Potter, incluyendo Quidditch, dragones y el Bosque Prohibido. • Cerveza de mantequilla: Disponible caliente, frío o congelado (¥ 50 cada uno), ideal para días fríos. Minion Land Esta zona cuenta con personajes Despicable Me y SING, con atracciones familiares. En Paradise Mall, disfruté del arroz de camarón estilo mexicano, aunque la lasaña de res era promedio. Jurassic World Island Nublar Esta es la primera y única área temática del Mundo Jurásico entre los parques universales. • Jurassic World Adventure: Un paseo en Jeep por el Mundo Jurásico, donde te encontrarás con dinosaurios, incluida una emocionante persecución T-Rex. Resumen La planificación es crucial para aprovechar al máximo Universal Beijing, ya que los viajes pueden tener esperas de 60 a 120 minutos. Recomiendo encarecidamente el pase Universal Express para aquellos que visitan en los días pico. El Decepticoastro es una necesidad para la emoción - los buscadores, y el parque es un lugar fantástico para el carácter - trajes inspirados, especialmente Harry Potter túnicas, que muchos visitantes usan.

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Las formas más populares de disfrutar de Universal Beijing Resort y otras atracciones cercanas

4,0 de 5 burbujas55 opiniones
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Ciudad Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam3.288 aportes
5,0 de 5 burbujas
sept de 2024 • Familia
Did a 2d2n at Universal Studios Beijing AND stayed at Universal Studios Grand Hotel (collectively, they're called Universal Beijing Resort or "UBR" as their acronym) - we did this right after a 2d2n trip to Shanghai Disneyland - would say we definitely enjoyed ourselves more at UBR. Generally, if you like Minions, Kungfu Panda, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Sing the movie, and especially HARRY POTTER more than Disney, then you'll probably like this park more too. If you're undecided, and other factors like economy (oh I meant prices), getting more value for your money and having a more culturally rewarding experience --- then you probably would like UBR more too.

- Avoid all local (China's) holidays. Significantly a lot less visitors, crowds and queues. If your schedule allows, like us, you could intentionally plan your trip on the first day of China local schools' academic year (first Monday of September)... you'll find most queues averages at only 10~30 minutes.
- Enter the park earliest possible - for hotel guests, you'll get an early entry of an hour. For non-hotel visitors, we could see from our hotel's corridor that hundreds were in the queue at 730am (park opened to non-hotel guests at 8am that day)
- First thing in the morning - head straight to HARRY POTTER to clear the rides quickly because it is the most crowded area of the theme park and it is crowded with lots of selfie-takers the entire day... literally.
- Dynamic pricing here - in the past, everyone's used to just two-tier pricing - weekday versus weekends/holidays. Here in tech-savvy China, prices AND opening hours fluctuate. So it does help if you could purchase your tickets earlier because it'll be cheaper. The people who purchase later than a possibly-AI-determined threshold of number of expected visitors, pay more.
- EXPRESS PASS is absolutely worth it and helps you clear ALL rides in a day! We even did quite a few rides twice since we visited on a super lull day.

You can purchase tickets directly via their app (not their website). The main hurdle foreigners face is that the app does not seem to accept most foreign credit cards. We found the easiest way is to register for AliPay (e-payment platform), since most of China requires e-payment these days (e.g. we can't even use Shanghai airport's vending machines without e-payment). However, do know that AliPay charges 3% for platform fee, so your tickets will be 3% more expensive, which honestly, ain't a big deal. The other common hurdle is getting OTP (One-Time Password) in order to log into their app. Many complain that they did not receive the OTPs. Guess what? We interacted with the locals and found out that they don't always receive the OTPs too. Just got to try a few more times. And be patient. We got it after some tries.
Also possible through this travel middleman sorta tickets/travel packages platform, and if you use Klook often enough, you'll get plenty of vouchers which kinda act as a discount to your future purchases on the platform. The main downside is the inconvenience of having to open the e-tickets to scan in order to enter the park. We were lazy to open multiple apps (and potentially help conserve our phone's battery a little) so we just got tickets via the UBR app.

1. Better hotel, better prices.
Comparing just the themed hotel rooms - Universal Studios Grand's Kungfu Panda room was 42sqm VS Shanghai Disneyland's Toy Story Hotel's (which was their cheaper hotel) themed room was 27sqm, and UBR's better room was still 50% cheaper per night. URB was definitely newer, more luxurious, and better designed (a lot more beautiful!) throughout.

2. Better food, hands down.
Shanghai Disneyland park itself was selling almost ZERO GREENS i.e. the same mushrooms-in-thick-gooey-sauce was the ONLY "veg" option in 90% of the eateries in both park and our hotel. URB had a lot more meal varieties and healthier options in their eateries. They even have better food options in the area right outside the park e.g. America's famous Toothsome Chocolate Emporium at Universal CityWalk Beijing vs the poorly reviewed Wolfgang Puck Kitchen at DisneyTown Shanghai. We also loved that they had a gigantic Southeast Asian Food Court called Neon Street Hawkers and some centuries/generations-old famous Chinese restaurants like Quan Ju De Peking Duck and Dong Lai Shun traditional charcoal hotpot, as we're tourists who wanted to try some local fave cuisines after all.

3. Better rides and shows
Dare I say this... UBR ABSOLUTELY has better rides! Even though we were pretty wow-ed by Shanghai Disneyland's new Zootopia rides and the unique Pirates of Caribbean and Tron rides, but one thing we realized was many of the rides (even the new ones) were mostly still on fixed tracks and literally watching "screens" and animatronics as many parts of the rides. UBR has rides that are exhilarating and we really felt like we were flying joyfully like Pteranodons in Jurassic Flyers and wizards/witches in Harry Potter's Forbidden Journey. If you don't understand Mandarin Chinese, you'll find UBR's shows like the newly launched Untrainable and Water World more action-packed and easier to follow even if you do not understand the dialogues VS Chinese-dialogue(and songs)-heavy shows such as Frozen and Pirates of the Caribbean "Battle for the Sunken Treasure" over at Shanghai Disneyland.

4. A lot less people and a lot cheaper
We paid for full Express at both parks. It was 180USD/person at UBR vs 320USD/person at Shanghai Disneyland. Because we visited on a super lull day, we could get on some rides in less than 15 minutes even without Express passes. Food was a lot cheaper at UBR too.

5. Nicer climate and... a lot less smokers too?
I wonder if it was due to the age range of each parks' visitors i.e. there were more older adults accompanying their children in Shanghai Disneyland... and we were really surprised to see the park filled with smokers (didn't see that in other Disneyland parks). Even though they had designated areas for smokers to smoke at, you could still smell strong (aka unhealthy secondhand) smoke every few hundred meters. Despite being colder (farther up north), UBR barely had any smokers. I wonder if it was also because the younger adults (the main demographic of visitors here at UBR) in China were more health conscious and therefore smoke less or perhaps not at all. The cooler climate here in Beijing at the end of summer/start of fall was also a welcomed respite compared to the sweltering, unrelenting heat we felt at Shanghai at the beginning of September.

If asked to choose which we'd visit again - we'd definitely choose UBR over Shanghai Disneyland. It was more enjoyable because of all the factors mentioned above.
Escrita el 27 de noviembre de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.

Ratchaburi, Tailandia32 aportes
5,0 de 5 burbujas
oct de 2024 • Pareja
Hello, everyone! I had the chance to visit Universal Beijing Resort on October 19, 2024. I arrived at the park at 11:30 AM and left around 8:15 PM. Yes, it was a Saturday, so you can imagine the crowds. Let’s dive into the details!

Universal Beijing Resort is the newest and largest Universal Studios park in the world, covering about 1,000 acres. It opened on September 20, 2021, and will eventually feature two theme parks—Universal Studios Beijing and a second theme park, a water park, Universal CityWalk Beijing, and six hotels.


Like any major theme park, you’ll need the Universal Beijing Resort app, which is available for iOS on the App Store, but Android users must download it outside the store via a QR code on their website and install it manually. It’s an official APK, so no worries about viruses, though it’s not listed on the Play Store.

The app works like most theme park apps, showing ride wait times, show schedules, dining options, ticket purchases, and Universal Express availability.

Given that it was a Saturday, Universal Express was essential for me. Regular waits for rides ranged from 60 to 120 minutes, and the park doesn’t offer a single rider line. So, Universal Express was the only way to avoid lengthy lines. Since I purchased it on the day of my visit, I could only buy it through the app. (Klook requires booking at least a day in advance.) I chose the Universal Express pass for all rides, which cost ¥1,200 that day. Prices vary between ¥900, ¥1,000, and ¥1,200 depending on the day. Buying the pass saved a lot compared to paying separately for each attraction, as popular rides like Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™, Jurassic World Adventure, Jurassic Flyers, Transformers: Battle for the AllSpark, Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, Flight of the Hippogriff™, Decepticoaster, and Loop-Dee Doop-Dee can cost ¥225-¥250 per ride.

When buying Universal Express, you’ll enter your name, phone number, email, and passport number, which links to your account. Alipay and WeChat are the only payment methods, so I used Alipay, which included a 3% charge since the transaction was over ¥200, totaling ¥1,236 per person.

[The Day of the Visit]

I arrived at Universal Beijing Resort by car. After a brief walk from the parking lot, there’s a bag check. Selfie sticks are prohibited, but you can bring snacks and drinks.

After bag check, you’ll reach Universal CityWalk Beijing, which features stores, dining options, a cinema, POP MART, and the famous Universal globe for photos.

Crossing the lake brings you to The Universal Studios Grand Hotel and the ticket checkpoint. Here, staff scan your passport and take a photo to link with your Universal Express for entry.

[Navigating the Park]

The park is vast, so I followed a clockwise route to avoid backtracking, starting from Hollywood —> Transformer Metrobase —> Kung Fu Panda Land of Awesomeness —> WaterWorld —> The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™ —> Minion Land —> Jurassic World Island Nublar.


This zone recreates Hollywood’s Walk of Fame and has stores, character photo spots, and attractions like Lights, Camera, Action! and Untrainable, a show based on How to Train Your Dragon. Though interesting, I found Untrainable a bit hard to follow without prior knowledge of the film.

Transformers Metrobase

Here, you enter the Transformers storyline as part of the N.E.S.T. Beijing headquarters. Must-try attractions include:

• Decepticoaster: This thrilling rollercoaster was my top highlight—it’s intense right from the start!
• Transformers: Battle for the AllSpark: A 4D, POV ride through Transformers scenes, complete with heat effects.

The Energon Power Station restaurant in this zone serves the Energon Power Feast, a mix of chicken, pork ribs, and sausages—delicious and worth the price.

Kung Fu Panda Land of Awesomeness

This indoor, air-conditioned area is unique to Universal Beijing, showcasing Kung Fu Panda. The Kung Fu Panda Journey of the Dragon Warrior boat ride offers a splashy adventure through different scenes, and the zone’s Chinese-style decor makes for great photos.


This zone recreates a post-apocalyptic world and includes the WaterWorld Stunt Show, which features Jet Ski stunts, explosions, and even a crashing airplane, with seating areas designated as wet or dry.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™

A highlight for most visitors! This area starts at Hogsmeade™, with stores, dining, the Hogwarts™ Express, spell-casting zones for wand owners, the Hogwarts™ Lake, Hogwarts Castle, and Hagrid’s Hut.

• Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™: A 4D ride inside Hogwarts that immerses you in scenes from Harry Potter, including Quidditch, dragons, and the Forbidden Forest.
• Butterbeer: Available hot, cold, or frozen (¥50 each)—great for chilly days.

Minion Land

This zone features Despicable Me and SING characters, with family-friendly rides. At Paradise Mall, I enjoyed Mexican-style shrimp rice, though the beef lasagna was average.

Jurassic World Island Nublar

This is the first and only Jurassic World-themed area among Universal parks.

• Jurassic World Adventure: A Jeep ride through Jurassic World, where you encounter dinosaurs, including a thrilling T-Rex chase.


Planning is crucial for making the most of Universal Beijing, as rides can have 60-120 minute waits. I highly recommend the Universal Express pass for those visiting on peak days. The Decepticoaster is a must for thrill-seekers, and the park is a fantastic spot for character-inspired outfits, especially Harry Potter robes, which many visitors wear.
Escrita el 1 de noviembre de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.

Lauren F
4 aportes
5,0 de 5 burbujas
sept de 2024 • Pareja
This was my first time visiting any Universal Studios and it didn't disappoint. We managed to go on most of the big rides and didn't queue longer than an hour for anything. Would recommend the Decepticoaster, Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, and Jurassic World Adventure (if you've seen the 2015 film)! It's worth mentioning that all of the ride intro videos were in Chinese with limited English subtitles, but this was to be expected.

I bought my ticket through the Universal Beijing Resort app (I did end up using a Chinese phone number for this) and then just had to bring my passport along on the day for verification. The app is also really useful for checking the map and ride times.

We were there around Halloween and there was a special Scares @ Universal event on, featuring three haunted mazes and scary actors in specific areas of the park in the evening. I think the ticket was slightly more expensive because of this, but I definitely think it was worth it!
Escrita el 28 de octubre de 2024
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Даша Б
Vladivostok, Rusia10 aportes
5,0 de 5 burbujas
oct de 2024 • Familia
It's a swanky park. Very atmospheric in every zone. Long wait for rides, but you can take quick walks. Yeah, not cheap, but it's worth it, honestly.
Escrita el 26 de octubre de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.

Aviation Central
Sídney, Australia188 aportes
5,0 de 5 burbujas
dic de 2023 • Familia
Really worth the money! The park was full of exciting movie scenes! Some of the rides were closed during that time due to ice on the tracks, which was a shame. Food was really good and lots of souvenirs too!
Escrita el 2 de octubre de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.

4 aportes
1,0 de 5 burbujas
sept de 2024 • Familia
Cannot access the app of Universal Studios Beijing. Easy to download app but no use because no function is accessible without Chinese phone number. I never managed to receive the verification SMS. It is therefore impossible to view the map, geolocate oneself, forecast one’s routes according to waiting times and book tickets. It is possible to get tickets at the same Award as via the app through other intermediaries but without access to geolocation and travel times and given the various recent negative reviews of travelers, I advise foreigners not to go there. There are other more open Universal Studios in the world and for the same Award or almost the same...
Escrita el 8 de septiembre de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.

Nápoles, Italia441 aportes
4,0 de 5 burbujas
ago de 2024 • Amigos
New park, very nice, but a real hell!
We were hn Wednesday in August, and I ersno queues just to enter (1 hour!!) monstrous queues for attractions (60 to 200 minutes for Harry Potter), queues to go to the bathroom, queues to eat, an absurd thing never seen before, which pushed me, as a lover of amusement parks, to leave 3 hours before the
park caught up in a sense of absurd frustration for being there and not being able to see the attractions that I so hoped to see (unless you do 3 hours in a row including at least 2.5 under the sun) for an Attraction of yes and no 2 minutes scarce.
The park deserves, but if you decide to go in the summer and during the Chinese holidays get express passes (for a fee) or you will spend the day standing in line.
Escrita el 29 de agosto de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.

Алексей М
Ussuriysk, Rusia237 aportes
4,0 de 5 burbujas
ago de 2024 • Familia
It was a long drive. Admission was 750 yuan.
Kids have a discount.
It's beautiful. Very cool. Very large scale.
And the area to the park is steep. And the park itself.
There is an app that will show you where the queues are and how much to stand.
We were unfortunately in high season. And even on a weekday, there were a lot of people. A lot of people. Well, it's just too many people.
The park has thematic areas: Hogwarts, Minions, Jurassic Park, Kung Fu Panda, Tarnsformers, and the water world where only the show takes place.

We were at the Harry Potter attraction, waiting three hours. 3 hours of hell.
Virtually no umbrellas, fans and wind racks are very few. Umbrellas should be everywhere, everything should be put in the waiting area. Thanks for even having water, you could dial right in the queue.

Why is that? Why are there such queues? Because there's very little entertainment in the park. According to the map, there are only 19 rides. Which are very few for so many people.
Attractions have to be 100-150 for people to stretch and disperse. You have 19. For 30,000 people a day. Of course there will be lines.
Add breeding

From the high side, Hogwart and Hogsmith are great. It's just something. This is my first Universal Park, and it was really mega cool.

Don't cross the park, by the way. But very empty, crossings between locations, you just walk. No sitting or hiding - just in the heat.

Next, Waterworld - there's only a show, but the show is fun. It was fun. Thank you.

Kung fu panda - very beautiful and atmospheric, rides though easy , but still cool and very beautiful. Again .

Another downside is the lockers on the rides. Are you driving? I come to a one-minute ride to queue for 30 to 50 minutes, and you make me put stuff in a drawer that's only free for 15 minutes? Would you kid them? This is the first time. Usually each attraction has special boxes where you can put things for the duration of the attraction. It goes 30 to 60 seconds, rarely more.
With lockers - oh the disadvantage.

Another big downside is your app, and the lack of information that awaits you on this ride. There's a kind of sacrament in that. But don't want to stand for 50 minutes, and eat for a photo shoot.
That's what happened to dinosaurs. There's a crowd. Nothing is clear. Eventually, 40 minutes later, it turned out to be a stupid photo shoot with a dinosaur. What are you idiots for? You made an app for what? Make there information similar to what's in store. Atrakicone class. Or a photo shoot. What an attraction. Add video and photos.

That's why the park is beautiful. The atmosphere is 10 out of 10. But because of the attitude, because of the information, and because of the queues, the impression is very greased.
Escrita el 28 de agosto de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.

Finlandia2 aportes
2,0 de 5 burbujas
feb de 2024 • Familia
Super crowd!
Very much crowed! Two hours for just getting inside through the gate! Waiting time was more than 1 hour in each point!
Very delicious food, average portion but overpriced.
The staff was impatient. No smiles at all. They just told us to check your phone when we looked for direction.
The area is smaller than other studios.
Escrita el 25 de agosto de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.

Helen C
1 aporte
2,0 de 5 burbujas
ago de 2024 • Familia
Overpriced Tickets, Retail only focused, No parade having waited, Long queueing times, Very short ride times.

We paid a great deal of money to go on this family day out. An adult ticket alone was over one hundred pounds. We realised its school holidays but still I think its overpriced.

But we had high hopes.

Entering the park at 9.30am ish the large queue moved quickly. The park app was good letting us know the ride wait times but the search filter was not working on the day we visited.

The wait times on the day we went were between 15-70 minutes. We choose not go on the 70 minute wait rides instead choosing 30-60 mins max. We brought snack for the children at home a help with the boredom.

*It was very very disappointing how short the ride times were in all cases having waited so long. I guess the management have to make them short so the park functions at all.

When we were over queuing in long hot fence lines for hours we walked around but for the most part it felt like we were trapped in an over priced retail park. For example Harry Potter world was three rides and then everything else was retail.

My youngest child was very keen to see the Baby Raptor shoe which happens throughout the day 11am- 6pm but because there are no show times listed for this and even though we walked back across the park to the right spot three times through the day she never caught the show.

With queuing time we took two rides before lunch and about three after lunch.

*The last straw was an announcement saying that “We can’t bring you the parade at this time”. So no Universal Studios Parade the day we went. My eldest child was so disappointed and kept asking why we were going home at 7pm without seeing the parade.

Highlights -
- the Water World stunt show was excellent and we did not have to queue.
- The toilets were clean.
- My children were surprised and delighted by the foam at the Cool Summer Party performance.

Negatives -
- tickets too expensive ( more than Disney Paris where we stayed watching shows and the parade twice until 11pm)
- long wait times for short rides
- focus on pricy retail shops and not much else.

Best part -
Meet the Transformer

Worst part -
No Parade having had the children wait for it, no advance notice it was cancelled and then no explanation.
Escrita el 6 de agosto de 2024
Esta opinión es la opinión subjetiva de un miembro de Tripadvisor, no de Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor les hace controles a todas las opiniones.

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