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Honolulu, Hawái

R there mosquitos? Im fr Hawaii n cockroaches can handle, but I just want to be prepared n armed w repellant!

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Phoenix, Arizona
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I was on Easter Island for 5 days last November and I did not come across any mosquitoes. The only thing I had on was sunblock.

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Honolulu, Hawái
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Mahalo! Just want to b prepared cuz I am a mosquito magnet!

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Shanghái, China
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For the 3 days we were on Easter Island, February 2015, we did not to spray on insect repellant.

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Schiphol, Países Bajos
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Iorana! There are some mosquitos, but bcs of the constant / high winds of Rapa Nui they don't come around very often. The island also doesn't have the dense jungles of Hawaii so you will only find mosquitos generally at night or in damp areas. No need to worry about them when hiking in the country or visiting some of the archeological sites.

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Apparently yes, but not a problem in the fall of 2014. Please have a look in Rev. chilena infectol. 2015: Detection of flavivirus in mosquitos (Easter Island).

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