Hostal Palestras
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N.º 1 de 1 hostal en Alto JahuelUbicación
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Manzano, Alto Jahuel Chile
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Arturo Merino Benitez Airport
21.5 km•
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It was probably one big mistake, but it definitly lacks good organization! We booked this hostal a few months before our stay, we got a really nice email for confirmation and did not have to pay anything. But the day we got there, the gate to get on the road to the hostal was closed, with barking dogs behind it. Whatever we did (make noise, shout, use the carhorn, call them on the mobile) nothing worked! A friendly neigbour got us through his garden to the road, but again at the hostal gate no answer. Finally somebody came, but that's where the problem got worse. The guy was not the manager or the person who emailed me, it was some random guy who practically lived in the hostal by himself! He didn't know anything of our reservation, could not reach anybody who did and was really shocked to know that we booked a room for 2 nights. The hostal was dirty, not prepared for guests at all! After he tried to make some phonecalls I decided I did not want to stay at all in this place, so I told him that we would look for another hotel. He looked really happy when I told him this...
I think the managers just forgot my booking or whatever, some big mistake, I don't know, but I would say bad organization.
If they would have known about our reservation and the place would have been clean, then it would be nicer to stay at. It has 3 rooms of which one double, the others dorms. You share bathroom and kitchen. The view is okay of the Andes Mountains. But it's basic, cheap and really for the budgettraveller.
I think the managers just forgot my booking or whatever, some big mistake, I don't know, but I would say bad organization.
If they would have known about our reservation and the place would have been clean, then it would be nicer to stay at. It has 3 rooms of which one double, the others dorms. You share bathroom and kitchen. The view is okay of the Andes Mountains. But it's basic, cheap and really for the budgettraveller.
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Fecha de la estadía: enero de 2008Tipo de viaje: Viajé con mi pareja
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ChileRegión Metropolitana de SantiagoAlto Jahuel
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Solicitar su perfilHOSTAL PALESTRAS (Alto Jahuel, Chile) - opiniones y comentarios - hostal - Tripadvisor
Preguntas frecuentes sobre Hostal Palestras
¿Qué atracciones populares están cerca de Hostal Palestras?
Algunas atracciones cercanas son Templo Votivo de Maipu (6,7 km), Monasterio Benedictino de Las Condes (6,1 km) y Santuario Nacional de Maipú (8,0 km).
¿Qué restaurantes hay cerca de Hostal Palestras?
Algunos restaurantes bien ubicados son Restaurante La Calerana, Origen Bistro Pichilemu y Kuchen Haus.
¿Hay sitios históricos cerca de Hostal Palestras?
Muchos viajeros disfrutan de visitar Avenida Las Rejas (15,9 km).